Happiness begins with a healthy smile


Oral and Dental Health Center

Reyap Hospital İstanbul, as a full-fledged oral and dental health center, serves for the formation and improvement of oral and dental health awareness. The mouth is the first step of the digestive system. Problems in the mouth can lead to deterioration of dental health and loss of balance of the digestive system. Therefore, oral and dental health is considered an integral part of general health.

Our Certificates

Bebek Dostu Hastane

The Methods We Applied

As Reyap Hospital İstanbul, we bring you a healthy smile with our expert dentists.


Implant treatment is the surgical placement of the missing tooth in the jawbone with titanium screws. It is one of the most frequently used treatments to restore the effects of tooth loss. Different types of prostheses can be placed on the implants made by placing the artificial tooth root in the jawbone. It can be done to replace previously lost teeth, or if there is no infection or inflammation, it can also be placed after tooth extraction.

The implant acts as a tooth root and can be used functionally like a natural tooth. It is a very healthy, long-lasting, and tissue-friendly method.


Zirconium Crown and Zirconium Veneer

Zirconium, which has a high light transmittance, is the treatment method that gives the closest result to the natural appearance. Zirconium crowns are new generation implants made to increase the resistance of implants made of titanium. It is used to increase endurance, especially in narrow jawbones.

The closest veneer and implant to the natural tooth structure is zirconium. Due to its natural appearance and tissue compatibility, zirconium is one of the most used treatment methods in dentistry, especially due to aesthetic concerns. There are two types, with or without metal support.

Zirconium crowns and implants are preferred for both posterior and anterior teeth due to their strong structure and durability. On the other hand, if attention is paid to oral and dental hygiene, they come to the fore as a long-lasting implant and coating type.

Porcelain Veneer
(Laminate Veneer)

Laminate veneer coating (leaf porcelain coatings) is one of the most preferred restoration applications in aesthetic dental surgery. Laminate means thin layer, veneer means coating. This treatment method; is generally applied in excessive discoloration that cannot be changed with tooth whitening, in correcting the appearance of split teeth (diastema), in teeth with worn and deformed surfaces, and in partially broken and damaged teeth.

Its application is very practical; The tooth surfaces are thinned to a certain amount and then the measurement is taken. Subsequently, coatings of the desired shape and color are created. The laminate coating is attached to the surface of the tooth with a resin-based adhesive and an aesthetic appearance is obtained.


Hollywood Smile Design Aesthetics

The Hollywood smile design aesthetic was developed by being inspired by the smiles of Hollywood stars. This application aims to achieve a perfect tooth and gum appearance. Teeth whitening and veneer can be listed among the first aesthetic interventions that come to mind for a Hollywood smile. In addition to these, applications such as lip filling are also applied according to the tooth and lip structure. There are general standards set for Hollywood smile design aesthetics. Some of them can be listed as follows:

  • The person should have a deep laugh line.
  • When the person smiles, all their teeth should be visible up to the upper molars.
  • Upper incisors should be prominent and prominent from other teeth.
  • The lower incisors should be visible while smiling.
  • The lips should be symmetrical.
  • The width of the lips should be half the width of the face.

Smile Design
(Aesthetic Smile)

Smile design includes methods that help to give an aesthetic appearance to the mouth structure that is not compatible with facial features with various applications. In other words, smile design is to find the aesthetic smile expression that suits the person within the framework of medical rules. On the other hand, our teeth affect our self-confidence in society in terms of aesthetics. It can be observed that many people cover their mouths with their hands while laughing and do not want to laugh while taking pictures. The reason for this is the thought that the mouth area does not look aesthetic. However, the smile design renews the ideal smile with health and naturalness and increases the self-confidence of the person. The aesthetic dentist firstly gets to know the patient and learns their expectations. The dentist creates an aesthetically acceptable and biologically compatible set of teeth. Diagnostic models and photographs of the patient are taken, the ideal smile is designed in a digital environment, and then the application is started.


Teeth Whitening

The natural colors of the teeth darken over time. Teeth whitening is the process of lightening the darkening color of the teeth. Color differences in the teeth can be eliminated by cleaning and polishing the calculus.

Thanks to the teeth whitening treatment, the dark tooth color can be lightened up to seven or eight tones and a more aesthetic appearance is obtained. Teeth whitening is a process that significantly affects the appearance of teeth. For this reason, bleaching is one of the most frequently used procedures today.

First of all, decayed teeth are treated without whitening. With the treatment of caries, the problem of cold-hot sensitivity in the tooth is eliminated. After the treatment of dental caries, the teeth are whitened by cleaning the teeth. The laser teeth whitening technique is the latest technology in this field. The whitening process is done with laser technology by placing a protective plaque on the gingiva around the tooth. The biggest advantage of laser teeth whitening is that it can be done in a very short time. The whitening process is completed in about 5 minutes.

Pink Aesthetics

All aesthetic applications made on the gums are called pink aesthetics. While smiling, some gums need to be reduced, while some gums need to be shaped. In such cases, the gums are cut and shaped with a tool called gingivoplasty. On the other hand, the gums must be healthy before pink tooth aesthetics. Gums that are pink in color, do not bleed, and appear slightly rough on the surface are healthy. If there is swelling, redness, and bleeding in the gums, it is necessary to treat the gums before gingival aesthetics.


Transparent Braces

Invisalign treatment is a non-wired orthodontic treatment method that corrects the appearance of teeth through transparent plaques produced in the digital environment. The biggest difference of Invisalign treatment from other orthodontic treatments is that it is removable and not obvious due to its transparent structure.

This treatment method, which is used in the treatment of crooked teeth, is specially produced by three-dimensional printers. It is a treatment method developed to solve most of the orthodontic problems of patients with aesthetic anxiety.

Its advantages can be listed as follows: At the beginning of the treatment, you can see your treatment result digitally, brushing teeth is easier than other braces treatment applications, Invisalign can be easily removed from the mouth when desired, they are not visible from the outside.

Lingual Orthodontics
(Invisible Braces)

Lingual orthodontics is a type of orthodontic treatment applied to correct the distortions and deformities of the teeth. Lingual therapy covers dental and jaw disorders. Lingual orthodontic treatment is applied in patients who have aesthetic concerns such as external braces. Wires attached to the front surfaces of the teeth in normal braces treatment are applied to the back of the teeth in lingual orthodontic treatment. In addition to eliminating the aesthetic appearance that patients are worried about, lingual components are very advantageous due to the resistance of the tooth and the pulling force it exerts.

An orthodontist decides to apply this treatment method, because lingual treatment may not be suitable for every patient's mouth and tooth structure.


Service Details

As Reyap Hospital Istanbul, we offer fully-equipped service in our Dental Care Center. Our services that are included and not included in dental care treatments are listed below.

Our services include:

  • VIP transfer
  • Translator
  • You can bring a companion with you. Your companion can stay in your room without extra charge.
  • All meals for you and companion (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • Free dental examination
  • Medical aesthetic consultation
  • Istanbul city's mini-tour

Our services do not include:

  • Flight tickets
  • Medications to be used after discharge

Why Reyap Hospital İstanbul?

Reyap Hospital İstanbul, which opened its doors in Istanbul in October 2016, provides services to "increase your quality of life".
  • Reyap Hospital İstanbul is a full-fledged facility with its health service standards, physical features, medical device park and technical equipment.

  • Reyap Hospital İstanbul, built on 12 floors with a closed area of 35 thousand square meters and a parking lot with a capacity of 250 vehicles, provides easy access to all services that patients will receive, especially in outpatient diagnosis and treatment.

  • Medical departments are equipped with advanced technology medical devices.

  • Reyap Hospital İstanbul provides service in all branches.

Our Doctors

Reyap Hospital İstanbul maintains its prestige in the health sector with its medical staff that constantly improves quality health care and attaches importance to academic values.

Merve Nur Aydın

Mouth and Dental Health

Filiz Özge Yüksel

Mouth and Dental Health

Harun Duman

Mouth and Dental Health

Buse Nur Gündüz

Mouth and Dental Health


Frequently Asked Questions

As Reyap Hospital İstanbul, we continue to work for all your oral and dental health problems with our experienced dentists in our oral and dental health center.
What are Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Applications?
Oral diagnosis and radiology is the first step in the treatment of oral and dental health. After this application, a patient-specific treatment plan is drawn up.

Intraoral examination (oral diagnosis); covers all soft tissues in the face, chin, and jaw joint, lips, palate, tongue, nose, and neck areas. Gingival recessions, bacterial plaques, tartar, fistulas, cavities, overlapping teeth, and jaw closures are evaluated during this examination. Teeth that are not in pain yet or gums that have just begun to recede can be evaluated during the oral examination and preventive treatment can be planned.

One of the most effective methods that help dental treatments and is an integral part of the oral examination; radiological examinations. These examinations; dental tomography, intraoral and extraoral x-rays, panoramic x-rays, and periapical x-rays.
What is Dental Anatomy?
The part of the tooth that is inside the bone is called the root, and the part of the tooth that is visible in the mouth is called the crown. The visible part of the crown is called enamel. The cementum layer covers the root, which is under the gingiva and surrounded by bone. There are nerve endings in the dentin layer, which is under the cementum and enamel layers. The dental pulp, located at the bottom of the dentin layer, is of great importance in the development of your teeth. It transmits painful problems to you, especially when tooth decay occurs.
Why is Prosthodontic Treatment (Prosthesis Applications) Important?
Despite all the efforts of physicians, teeth lost due to dental and gingival diseases disrupt daily activities such as chewing and speaking.

On the other hand, tooth loss that may occur due to trauma and accidents can cause damage to the self-confidence of the person. In addition, it can cause the person to avoid smiling, which can lead to the formation of some psychological disorders. To eliminate all these factors, it is recommended to complete missing teeth with prosthetic dental treatment.
Do Braces Damage My Teeth?
The brackets holding the braces adhere to the teeth with a special adhesive. Then the braces that will correct the crowding of the teeth are attached to these brackets. In both procedures, pain is not felt. If you pay attention to your oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment and brush your teeth and braces after every meal, orthodontic treatment will not harm your teeth. Otherwise, as food residues will accumulate between the brackets and wires, the risk of tooth decay will increase, your gums will bleed and become inflamed.
How Do I Know If I Need Orthodontic Treatment?
Only your dentist or orthodontist can determine whether you can benefit from orthodontics. You may be a candidate for orthodontic treatment if you have any of the following:
  • Situations where the upper front teeth extend too far (protrude) above the lower teeth
  • A view where the lower teeth are too far forward or the upper teeth are too far apart
  • Cross biting – where the upper teeth do not fall slightly in front of the lower teeth when biting normally
  • Open bite – the gap between the biting surfaces of the anterior and/or lateral teeth when the posterior teeth bite together
  • Misplaced midline – if the center of your upper front teeth is not aligned with the center of your lower front teeth
  • Gaps or gaps between teeth as a result of missing teeth
  • Skewness – distortions caused by too many teeth and not enough jaw size for teeth
Why Do Unwanted Stains Occur on Teeth?
There can be many reasons for staining. The most common ones are old age, consumption of substances that stain teeth (coffee, tea, cola, cigarettes, etc.), trauma to the tooth, old dentures, veneers, fillings. Antibiotics or excessive fluoride consumption used during the formation of teeth can also lead to discoloration of the teeth.
Can Bleaching Be Applied To Teeth That Have Had Root Canal Treatment?
The tooth with root canal treatment loses its vitality, may lose its bright, vivid color over time, and may turn yellow, or discoloration may occur due to the material placed inside the tooth. In such procedures, the bleaching agent placed in the pulp chamber is kept on the tooth for a few days. The process is repeated until the desired result is achieved. In this way, dark-colored teeth are whitened. Usually, positive results are obtained. A temporary whiteness is achieved with all applied bleaching methods. The process may need to be repeated after 2-3 years. The procedure is not applied to patients who are in pregnancy or breastfeeding period. The procedure is not recommended under the age of 18.
What are the Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?
All whitening gels can cause more or less sensitivity. This can vary from person to person and may develop with cold or hot drinks. In case of sensitivity, the fluoride applied by the dentist will reduce this tooth sensitivity. In addition, tooth pastes containing potassium nitrate and high fluoride can be used to reduce sensitivity.
How long should I stay away from beverages such as tea and coffee after teeth whitening?
It is recommended to stay away from tea, coffee, cigarettes, cola, red wine, acidic beverages, and colored foods for about two days (ideally 7-10 days) after bleaching. Staying away from colored foods and beverages during this period ensures that the teeth whitening process is more permanent.
What Should Patients Pay Attention to in Aesthetic Dentistry?
Aesthetic dentistry practice covers irreversible treatments. For this reason, before the application of aesthetic dentistry, it should be determined how the smile will look in the digital environment, and methods should be used where the patients can try the application in their mouths by taking printouts from three-dimensional printers.