It is easy to loose weight
with obesity treatment

What is Obesity?

The word “obesus” is Latin, meaning “because of food”. Obesity, known as being overweight, negatively affects the quality and duration of life, leading to some fatal systemic diseases. Based on obesity; is the accumulation of fat in the body due to eating more than necessary. The fat accumulated in the body cannot be expelled from the body and is stored in certain parts of the body. This causes various diseases by disrupting the body’s metabolism.

Obesity Treatments

The types of treatment we offer in the form of “obesity surgery” are methods that are currently applied all over the world and whose success has been proven.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery
(Gastric Sleeve)

It is a surgical application that takes place by removing approximately 75-80 percent of the stomach. After administration, the shape of the stomach resembles a tube. Since most of the stomach is removed and a volume of 50-100 ml remains, the amount of food consumed is limited. Since the appetite hormone (ghrelin) secreted from the stomach part (fundus) removed in this surgery decreases after the procedure, patients experience a loss of appetite.

The effect of sleeve gastrectomy on diabetes and hypertension diseases is quite successful. Especially diabetic and hypertensive patients who are treated with drugs do not need medications after this surgery.

  • Operation Time: 45-50 min

  • Healing Time: 15 days

  • Anesthesia: General Anesthesia

  • Accommodation: 4-5 days

  • Return to Routine: 1 month

  • Timing: All Seasons

Gastric Sleeve
Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Bypass Surgery
(Laparoscopic gastric / Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass)

The stomach is stapled at the junction with the esophagus and divided into two separate parts. The volume of the stomach remains on average 50-60 ml. Then, it is connected between the small intestine and this newly formed stomach chamber so that approximately 100 cm of the small intestine is out of digestion and a new mouth is created. Thus, the food that the stomach can take is limited and the absorption surface of the intestine is reduced by about 30 percent. When the food taken fills the small sac, a feeling of fullness occurs.

  • Operation Time: 2-3 hours

  • Healing Time: 2 weeks

  • Anesthesia: General Anesthesia

  • Accommodation: 5-6 days

  • Return to Routine: 1 month

  • Timing: All Seasons

Type 2 Diabetes Surgery
(Metabolic Surgery / Diabetes Surgery)

Type 2 diabetes, which occurs due to excess weight, causes patients to use insulin constantly. In type 2 diabetes surgery, which is included in the field of metabolic surgery, is aimed to control both diabetes and obesity at the same time.

With this surgery, diabetes is eliminated. Laparoscopic type 2 diabetes surgery makes the ineffective insulin in the body usable.

  • Operation Time: 1.5 hours

  • Healing Time: 15 days

  • Anesthesia: General Anesthesia

  • Accommodation: 4-5 days

  • Return to Routine: 3 weeks

  • Timing: All Seasons

Gastric Sleeve
Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Balloon

It is not a surgical application and is applied to patients who do not consider a surgical operation. It is applied with the technique of placing an inflatable balloon made of silicone into the stomach endoscopically. Thus, it is aimed to obtain a feeling of satiety by creating a volume that creates fullness in the stomach. Six months after the method is applied, the balloon is easily removed from the stomach. The application takes about 20 minutes. On the other hand, in cases with morbid (extremely) obese (BMI=50-60) patients, gastric balloon application is preferred to achieve a weight loss of 10 kg (in order to reduce liver volume and facilitate surgical steps).

  • Operation Time: 25-35 min

  • Healing Time: 3-4 days

  • Anesthesia: Sedation Procedure

  • Accommodation: 3 nights

  • Return to Routine: 1 day

  • Timing: All Seasons

Our Certificates

SAS Certificate
TSUKA Certificate
Mother and Child Friend Hospital Certificate
Health Truism Certificate

Service Details

As Reyap Hospital Istanbul, we offer fully-equipped service in our Obesity Center. Our services that are included and not included in weight loss surgeries are listed below.

Our services include:

  • VIP transfer

  • Hospital stay until discharge

  • 24/7 monitoring in hospital

  • Translator

  • You can bring a companion with you. Your companion can stay in your room without extra charge.

  • All meals for you and companion (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

  • Dietitian consultation

  • Free dental examination

  • Medical aesthetic consultation

  • Istanbul city’s mini-tour

Our services do not include:

  • Flight tickets

  • Medications to be used after discharge

  • Protein powders and vitamins to be used after discharge


Why Reyap Hospital Istanbul?

As Reyap Hospital Istanbul, we offer fully-equipped service in our Obesity Center. Our services that are included and not included in weight loss surgeries are listed below.
  • Reyap Hospital Istanbul is a full-fledged facility with its health service standards, physical features, medical device park and technical equipment.

  • Reyap Hospital Istanbul, built on 12 floors with a closed area of 35 thousand square meters and a parking lot with a capacity of 250 vehicles, provides easy access to all services that patients will receive, especially in outpatient diagnosis and treatment.

  • Medical departments are equipped with advanced technology medical devices.

  • Reyap Hospital Istanbul provides service in all branches.

Why Reyap Hospital Cover Image

Our Doctors

Reyap Hospital Istanbul maintains its prestige in the health sector with its medical staff that constantly improves quality health care and attaches importance to academic values.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Turkoğlu

General Surgery


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Reyap Hospital Before/After Samples
Reyap Hospital Before/After Samples
Reyap Hospital Before/After Samples
Reyap Hospital Before/After Samples


Treatment methods in obese patients should be carried out with a multidisciplinary approach. Patients should be evaluated by an endocrinologist, dietitian, and, if necessary, a psychologist. Obesity treatment is decided according to these scans.
It is the creation of the ratio of body weight to height. Medical nutrition (dietary) therapy is specific to the individual. The aim is to provide the individual with the right eating habit and to maintain this habit.
With exercise therapy, medical nutrition therapy is supported, individuals are prevented from gaining weight, losing weight, and regaining weight are prevented.
Although behavior change treatment differs according to the therapist and the individual, the treatment plan is generally self-observation, stimulus control, goal setting, alternative behavior development, reinforcement-self-reward, stress control, cognitive structuring-social support. consists of all or more of the methods such as Aim; to change negative behaviors related to eating and physical activity in a positive way.
If obesity has caused life-threatening serious complications in the patient, some treatment methods called obesity surgery come to the fore. The bariatric surgeon decides which surgical methods will be applied in which situations.

The surgical approach to obesity is divided into two. These methods are; bariatric surgery to reduce energy intake with food and reconstructive surgery methods that provide removal of regional fat tissues.

Bariatric surgery, which reduces the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines); includes applications such as bypass, gastroplasty, gastric banding, gastric balloon.

If it is reconstructive surgery; aesthetic treatment. Surgeries such as liposuction, tummy tuck, and breast lift for sagging are offered as an alternative to obesity surgeries for suitable people.

If you have concluded that your body mass index is 30 and above; you should apply to a health institution, have your routine check-ups and review treatment options with your doctor. Your doctor can start your treatment process as a result of examinations and tests, and you can take precautions for obesity and the complications that obesity may cause.

The most basic symptom is excessive fat accumulation in the body. However, symptoms that arise due to obesity, as well as visual problems, can be summarized as follows:

  • Sweating
  • Getting tired quickly
  • Shortness of breath
  • Snoring and sleep apnea
  • Skin problems
  • Back and joint pain
  • Psychological problems and decreased self-esteem

Excessive and wrong nutrition and lack of physical activity are considered the most important causes of obesity. In addition to these factors, many genetic, environmental, neurological, physiological, biochemical, socio-cultural, and psychological factors can cause obesity.

Obesity patients are patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and above. This value, also known as the body mass index (BMI), is calculated by dividing the body mass in kilograms by the square of the height in meters. According to the classification determined by the World Health Organization; body mass index (BMI) data are classified as:

  • Under 18.5: Underweight
  • 18.5 – 24.9: Normal weight
  • 25.0 – 29.9: Overweight
  • 30.0 – 39.9: Obese
  • Above 40.5: Morbidly obese (extreme – severe)
  • 50 and above: Super obese

The formula is body weight (kilograms/kg) divided by height (meters/m) squared. The body mass index of a person who is 1.70 meters in height and 65 kilos is calculated as follows;

1.70 x 1.70 = 2.89
65: 2.89 = 22.491
In this case, the person’s body mass index is 22,491, and someone with these characteristics is included in the “Normal weight” group.

In young people and children, the body mass index is calculated in the same way, but the results are evaluated differently. Because children have more than one variable. Even if two children have the same body mass index value, it can be seen that one of the children is obese and the other is at the ideal weight. Because height and weight index in the 2 to 18 age group differs according to age and gender, the measurement should be made by a specialist dietitian or pediatrician.

Obesity; to coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, uterine cancer, breast cancer, prostate and colon cancer, osteoarthritis (rheumatism), varicose veins, sleep-apnea syndrome, birth difficulties, ovarian cyst, and depression. Obesity treatment facilitates the treatment of these diseases and reduces the risk of disease.
In addition, the presence of obesity is perceived as a body image disorder. Body image dissatisfaction negatively affects psychological health. Therefore, negative body image in obese individuals leads to a decrease in their self-esteem and self-confidence, thus making them more prone to depression.
People whose diet and exercise practices are not successful and weight loss cannot be achieved, individuals with a body mass index of 40 and above can have bariatric surgery. Patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 35 and those with obesity-related problems such as diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea may also prefer bariatric surgery. Individuals with a BMI of 35 and below can first apply to the gastric balloon application, which is a non-surgical method.
The endocrinologist should evaluate whether the patients have hormonal problems and their suitability for surgery before the surgery. Endoscopy must be performed to detect any other possible pathology in the stomach before the operation.
There are no major differences between the two surgical practices. However, sleeve gastrectomy surgery is a physiological method. The application period of sleeve gastrectomy surgery is shorter and easier to perform.

Weight gain can be observed in some of the patients three or four years after the surgery, valid for both applications. In this case, if the patient has undergone tube stomach surgery before, re-sleeve (re-tube stomach) surgery or gastric bypass surgery is performed.

However, if the patient has previously undergone gastric bypass, there is no chance for a second surgical treatment in case of weight regain. At this point, the point to be considered is to determine which method is suitable for the patient as a result of the examinations and tests, rather than the operation technique.

The most important complications of sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgeries are leakage and bleeding in the stomach. However, with the modern techniques developed today, their rates have decreased significantly. Both techniques are applied minimally invasive techniques (laparoscopic, robotic). With these techniques, patients can quickly return to their routine life after surgery.
Considering that surgical interventions are a serious decision, diet and sports should always be the first treatment approach in patients with suitable profiles. However, although many of the patients have tried these methods many times; They did not achieve sufficient weight loss.

On the other hand, according to studies, it has been observed that most obese patients lose weight temporarily with diet and exercise programs; It has been understood that they generally lead their lives with a high risk of regaining weight. Because of this vicious circle, patients may prefer surgical applications.

It is important to adapt to the new diet after the surgery, especially in the first few months. For this reason, patients are informed in detail by dietitians about how to feed before and after the operation. In addition, patients can receive psychiatric help in terms of their psychological status after surgery.
Obesity surgery is not suitable for individuals with psychiatric diseases, alcohol or drug addiction, and patients who cannot comprehend the details of the operation.
Depending on the type of treatment applied to the person, the duration of weight loss and weight regain may vary. For example, in researches, after bariatric surgery (stomach sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, type 2 diabetes surgery), weight loss is expected for 18 months, with the first 6 months being fast. Then there is weight stabilization. A weight gain of approximately 10 percent is expected over the next 24 to 60 months.

In the light of scientific studies, the success rate of weight loss with obesity treatments is 85%. Obesity patients can lose 60-80% of their excess weight with obesity treatment methods.

However, it should not be forgotten that; Motivation, diet, and lifestyle are very important after obesity treatment methods. Patients who can change their lifestyle and diet with the lightness and motivation of their weight loss can lose 100 percent of their excess weight and maintain it for life.

An average of 15 percent of obese patients may experience weight gain because they cannot change their lifestyle and eating habits after surgery.

  • The patient loses more weight.
  • It facilitates the course or recovery of obesity-related diseases.
  • Better control of diabetes
  • Gastric reduction surgery requires vitamin and mineral supplements for a certain period.
  • You should always have a specific diet list.
  • You must be under the control of a doctor at least once a year.
  • Absorption of vitamins D and B12, iron, and other microelements becomes insufficient.
  • Nausea and vomiting are common.
  • There is no need for surgical intervention.
  • Recovery time is short.
  • Fast results are obtained.
  • Less weight is lost.
  • Its effect is short.
  • Over the years, the risk of gaining weight will increase.
  • There is a risk of heartburn.
  • After obesity treatment, sagging may occur in some parts of the body. For example; tummy tuck, breast lift, arm, and leg stretching can be applied.
  • During pregnancy, it is very important to feed the baby in the womb. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can be seen as the nutrient intake will be limited after obesity surgery and applications that do not require surgical intervention. This situation will adversely affect the mother and the baby. It is recommended to get pregnant after an average of 1 year after bariatric surgery.