Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Uğur Tosun

Reyap Hospital – Istanbul, Turkey

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FaQ – Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

How long does the recovery process take after BBL?

The recovery period after BBL varies from person to person but typically spans several weeks. During the first week, you’ll experience swelling and bruising in the treated areas. It’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions, which may include wearing compression garments and avoiding sitting or lying directly on your buttocks for the initial weeks. While most patients can return to light activities within a week or two, strenuous exercise and sitting for extended periods should be avoided for about six weeks to ensure the best results.

Is the fat transfer in BBL permanent?

The fat transfer in BBL can provide long-lasting results, but it’s important to understand that not all of the transferred fat may survive. Some fat cells may be reabsorbed by the body in the weeks following the procedure. However, the fat that successfully integrates with the buttocks tends to be permanent. To maintain your enhanced results, it’s essential to maintain a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle. Weight fluctuations can impact the appearance of your buttocks over time.

What should I look for in a BBL surgeon?

Selecting the right surgeon for your BBL is crucial for achieving safe and satisfying results. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon with specific experience in performing BBL procedures. Check their credentials, ask for before-and-after photos of previous BBL patients, and read reviews from their past clients. A skilled surgeon will prioritize your safety and aesthetic goals, providing you with personalized care throughout your BBL journey. During the consultation, don’t hesitate to ask questions and discuss your expectations to ensure a clear understanding of the procedure and its potential outcomes.

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