Duodenal Switch

This article was medically reviewed by Prof. Dr. Ahmet Türkoğlu

What are the advantages of the Duodenal Switch?

  • Significant and sustained weight loss.
  • Improvement in obesity-related health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.
  • Reduced appetite and calorie absorption.
Country Avg. Cost (USD)
Turkey $6,000
United Kingdom $25,000
USA $18,000
Germany $15,000
General Surgeon
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Türkoğlu

General Surgery

Reyap Hospital – Istanbul, Turkey

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FaQ – Duodenal Switch Surgery

Reyap Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, stands out as a leading center for Gastric Sleeve surgery due to several key factors:

  1. Expert Medical Team: Our surgeons are highly skilled and experienced in advanced bariatric procedures, ensuring safe and effective treatment.
  2. State-of-the-Art Facilities: We offer cutting-edge medical technology and comfortable facilities to enhance patient care and recovery.
  3. Personalized Care: Each patient receives a tailored treatment plan, ensuring that individual health needs and goals are met.
  4. Comprehensive Support: From pre-surgery consultations to post-operative care and nutritional guidance, our team provides continuous support.
  5. Proven Track Record: Our success rates in obesity surgery are a testament to our commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction.

Yes, it is generally cheaper to get Gastric Sleeve surgery in Turkey compared to many other countries, particularly those in Western Europe and North America. This cost difference has several contributing factors:

  1. Lower Operating Costs: The overall cost of living and operating a medical facility in Turkey is lower than in many Western countries. This allows hospitals to offer surgeries at more affordable prices.
  2. Competitive Pricing: Turkish medical facilities often offer competitive pricing to attract international patients, making the cost of procedures like weight loss surgery more budget-friendly.
  3. Inclusive Packages: Many hospitals and clinics in Turkey offer comprehensive packages for weight loss surgery. These packages can include the surgery itself, pre- and post-operative care, hospital stay, and sometimes even accommodation and transport for international patients, providing significant savings.
  4. High Quality at Lower Costs: Despite the lower prices, the quality of healthcare, including advanced medical technology and highly qualified surgeons, is comparable to that in more expensive countries.

Reyap Hospital prioritizes patient safety above all. Our facilities adhere to international healthcare standards, and our medical team comprises highly qualified and experienced professionals. We utilize the latest technology and best practices to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the Duodenal Switch procedure.

Preparation for Duodenal Switch surgery typically involves undergoing a comprehensive evaluation, which may include medical examinations, nutritional counseling, and psychological assessments. Patients may be advised to lose some weight before the surgery, follow a specific diet, and stop smoking or taking certain medications.

Post-surgery, patients will need to adhere to a phased diet, starting with liquids, progressing to pureed foods, and then gradually to solid foods. It’s crucial to follow dietary guidelines to ensure proper healing and to prevent complications like nutritional deficiencies.

The Duodenal Switch procedure typically takes between 2 to 4 hours to complete, depending on the surgeon’s experience, the patient’s specific anatomical considerations, and whether the surgery is performed laparoscopically or via open surgery.

The success rate of Duodenal Switch surgery is generally high, with most patients experiencing significant long-term weight loss and improvement in obesity-related health conditions. However, success rates can vary based on individual compliance with post-operative dietary and lifestyle changes.

Yes, Duodenal Switch surgery has been shown to be particularly effective in improving or even resolving type 2 diabetes in obese patients, often resulting in reduced need for diabetes medications or insulin.

Follow-up care involves regular check-ups with your healthcare team, including the surgeon, dietitian, and possibly a psychologist. These appointments are critical to monitor your weight loss, nutritional intake, and overall health, and to adjust your treatment plan as necessary.

Due to changes in the gastrointestinal tract and reduced absorption, patients may need to adjust the dosages of their medications post-surgery. Some medications may require alternate forms, such as liquid or sublingual, to ensure proper absorption.

Both surgeries are designed to aid in weight loss, but they do so differently. Gastric Bypass involves creating a small stomach pouch and rerouting the intestines, leading to reduced food intake and calorie absorption. Duodenal Switch also reduces stomach size but leaves a larger portion of the stomach intact and involves a more significant rerouting of the intestines, leading to greater malabsorption and often resulting in more significant weight loss but with a higher risk of nutritional deficiencies.

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